
A Shed is Built - Summer 2010

Here is what the Adirondacks are all about: Men visiting men and showing one another their sheds. Since I didn't have a shed, this had to change. The truth of the matter is that we were bloody sick and tired of storing all our boats in the main camp over the winter.

The shed under construction, 2010

[right] Peter Ferris and Son of Old Forge has been our go to contractor for all manner of camp projects, including the new deck, the new rear roof, jacking & leveling the camp, and relocating the chimney. So he was the logical person to contact when I wanted to build a shed in the rear of the camp. Building supplies were rafted across the lake on Ed Szekeres' floating dock. The shed is 12x18 and I have only one regret: I should have made it bigger!

Summer 2013

[left] Along the lefthand wall I built storage for our fleet of small paddlecraft. From top to bottom: Hornbeck kevlar Wee Lassie (12 feet I think), lapstrake Wee Lassie (builder unknown), orange LiquidLogic, blue Necky Manitou. In the winter I hang a green Chestnut canoe from the peak of the rook, under which I can just fit when standing upright. The Chestnut was purchased circa 1960 hence it is over 50 years old as of 2013 It was down at the dock - its normal summer location - when this shot was taken.

To the rear I built a small workbench. During the summers of 2012 and 2013 I transported all my late father's woodworking hand tools from the Webster house and they are stored in various locations in the shed - hanging from the rafters, in two drawer units, one under the bench and one along the right hand wall (the latter is not visible in this shot). Clamps, levels, and other items hang from the wall.

Summer 2013

[right] Here is a better shot of the fleet. Some of my father's clamps are on the floor. On the floor to the extreme lower right are the slabs of birch I cut with my chainsaw mill in the summer of 2012. I have more slabs stickered along the righthand wall that Ed Szekeres helped me cut from a much larger birch in summer of 2013.

Summer 2013

[right] This is the exterior as seen from the rear of the camp. The terrain slopes up and the shed almost rests on the ground in the rear.